Business Consulting

Increase revenue while improving their sales process – Welkin World guides the clients through implementing sales and marketing strategies that will generate more business and keep their projects pipeline consistently full.


Boost cash flow and profitability – Welkin World helps the clients find and improve upon the areas of monetary waste that are preventing their business from making more money.


Develop new systems and streamline operations – Welkin World works with the clients to locate and eliminate inefficiencies in their business operations that are slowing progress.


Reduce costs while upgrading their accounting system – Welkin World assists the clients with installing an accounting system that is easy to use and manage, will keep their finances in order, and give them a constant view of their overall financial situation.


Improve product/service quality while strengthening customer relations – Welkin World advises the clients on how to enhance their business offerings to ensure their customers are satisfied and will refer continue to purchase their apparel products.


  • Identification of the best potential customers, sales channels and sales leads.
  • Determining approximate potential sales volume in the U.S. and/or the Japanese market.
  • Advise clients on tax problems and legislation in the prospective countries.
  • Selection of the best agents and distributors in the prospective countries.
  • Pinpointing the key entry points and niches in the Target U.S and/or Japanese Market.
  • An analysis of the current competition in Targeted Niches.
  • An analysis of current market trends and economic conditions to forecast potential sales of products in the U.S. and/or the Japanese market.
  • Strategies that ensure solid profits and healthy market share.
  • Analysis of current and projected political and economic climate in the United States and/or Japan.
  • Identifying principal cost and risk factors in the Target Market.
  • Analysis of logistical and operational needs.
  • Identifying duties, regulations and other restraints to trade.
  • A preliminary Market test to establish the validity and profitability of the foreign market.
  • Advance trade by alerting the clients to potential foreign trade and investment opportunities.